Coke National Archaeological Site Park. Located in Keke Township, Hezhang County, it is mainly the remains of the ancient Yelang Kingdom from the Warring States to the Han Dynasty and the Han Dynasty. The protected area covers 24.56 square kilometers. The cola site was discovered in 1958. In 1960, archaeologists unearthed seven Han tombs and unearthed more than 300 cultural relics. From 1976 to 1978, the archaeological group of Guizhou Provincial Museum excavated a number of tombs at several sites.
Scenic Service Hotline
Address: Second floor, north building, hezhang convention and exhibition center, bijie city, guizhou province

official micro signal
SAF Coolest v1.3.1.2 設置面闆 NOHSD-ZHEY-EAXZE-ZZW
圖片ALT信息: Ahsilisi LANDSCAPE
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